Angular Carousel Component


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Ahaan 9/26/2016 1:33:00 PM
Angular 2 Final is realeased… Can you please update the code. I wanted to have a carousel the way it works with bootstrap. TIA
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Jeffrey Rosselle 10/5/2016 9:08:00 AM
Hi Ahaan, the code has been updated to Angular 2.0.0
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Ola 9/16/2016 1:25:00 PM
Hi, thank you very much for this post. Unfortunately, for my, I get error importing carousel.js with System.import(‘carousel.js’); . Do you know how can that be solved?
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Jeffrey Rosselle 9/16/2016 1:43:00 PM
Can you tell me which version of Angular u are using. The example was written in RC1 and at the moment they already advanced to RC5. I might try to update the post once Angular2 V1 is released. UPDATE Code has been updated to Angular 2.0.0